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Stable version 1.0.6 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 07 October 2021 by 
 (6 ratings)



Tagify consists of a webblock with a text input and associated logic, so all you need to do to start using it is dragging it to your Screen. Every time a Tag is added or removed from the input, a NewInputValue Event will be triggered containing all currently selected Tags. Thus, you should overwrite whatever list of Tags you are temporarily storing every time you receive this Event. For an implementation example, check the demo OML.


 - IsAllowNewOptions (boolean): if True, the User will be able to type in new Tags. If False, the User will only be able to select existing Tags - you should use a False value in conjunction with the DropdownValues input;

 - IsInputEnabled (boolean): if True, the input will be editable. If False, the input will be readonly.

 - DropdownValues (TagifyStructure List): values used to populate the Tag suggestion list. Any values you insert here will be used to feed the suggested Tags that appear when the User starts typing;

 - InputValues (TagifyStructure List): values that will appear selected in the input. You should use this when you are loading existing data (say, when the User visits your page again after having already saved Tags);

 - MaxSuggestions (integer): if defined, will limit the number of suggested Tags when the User starts typing.

 - MaxSelectableTags (integer): if defined, will limit the number of Tags the User can select with the input.


 - TagifyStructure (Id, Display): this structure represents a Tag that will be created for the input. The Id field will be used internally to distinguish Tags, so ensure that it is unique within that instance of Tagify. The display field will be the Tag text shown to the User.

The base JavaScript library is extremely flexible with a variety of options. This component implements the most useful ones - should you have use for more, check the Webblock source or leave a note in the Support section and we'll do our best to include it for everyone!