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Mixpanel for Web

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 07 October 2019 by 
 (1 rating)

Mixpanel for Web


How to Use

Firstly add a dependency to your module and put just once a Mixpanel_Initialize on a start of a page loading (preparation) or layout.

Last one requires API_Key as an input parameter.

Then you can freely use Mixpanel_LogEvent wherever you need send an events on Mixpanel server.

It has Event as an input text parameter.

Web browser development tools may be used to make sure the package is being sent  on URL with POST method and plugin works properly. 

Please note that it may take some time for the data to be displayed on the server. Usually it does not take more than two-five minutes. 

How to obtain API_KEY

Go to Mixpanel web page. Sign in and create a new Project. Then create a Dashboard. After everything prepared we can take a API_Key from Settings tab and use it in our plugin.

Note. Each project has it own API_Key.