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HMS Account Plugin

Stable version 6.11.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 01 November 2023 by 
 (13 ratings)

HMS Account Plugin

This module enables communication between Huawei Account SDK and OutSystems platform. It exposes all functionality provided by Huawei Account SDK.
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What’s new (1.0.0)

  • Initial Version
Release notes (6.11.0)

New Features

  • HMSAccountAuthService module has been added.

    • The module has signIn, signOut, silentSignIn, cancelAuthorization and getChannel functions.

  • HMSAccountAuthManager module has been added.

    • The module has containScopes, getAuthResult, getAuthResultWithScope, addAuthScopes functions.

  • AuthHuaweiId data type has been updated.

  • Added SCOPE_UID and SCOPE_DIALOG_AUTH members to Enum AuthRequestOption.

  • SignInData data type has been updated.

  • Added the getIndependentSignInIntent API to HMSAccountAuthService.

  • Added the carrierId parameter to the AuthBuilder.

  • Android API 33 support has been added.

Modified Features

  • Updated signIn and silentSignIn in the HMSAccount module.

  • Updated signIn and silentSignIn in the HMSAccountAuthService module.

  • Updated addAuthScopes, containScopes, getAuthResultWithScope and getAuthResult in the HMSHuaweiIdAuthManager module.

  • Updated addAuthScopes, containScopes, getAuthResultWithScope and getAuthResult in the HMSAccountAuthManager module.

  • AuthHuaweiIdBuilder data type has been renamed to AuthBuilder and its properties have been updated.

  • Deprecated familyName and givenName in the AuthHuaweiId.

  • Deprecated HMSReadSMSManager module. You are advised not to use this module.

License (6.11.0)
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