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Slack Messenger

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 February 2021 by 
 (5 ratings)

Slack Messenger

Slack connector for conversation and post message apis V2. API Methods url: Message Builder:
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With this component is possible get the users and channels list and send messages for a channel or for an user.
Slack steps to integrate

1 - First you need install this component in your environment;
2 - Go to your slack area ( and create one application;
3 - In the OAuth & Permissions tab, add the scopes to read channels and write messages (Find the scopes in the api method page);

4 - Install the application in your slack environment;

5 - Copy the bot user OAuth Access token and update the BotAccessToken site property value in service center;
6 - Now you are able to get a list of your channels and send messages for slack channels.

More information
- Slack api methods:
- Message builder to personalize message:

Release notes (1.0.0)
Reviews (0)