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Multiline Truncation with Ellipsis - Mobile

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 November 2021 by 
 (2 ratings)

Multiline Truncation with Ellipsis - Mobile

Deprecated! Please use the new Reactive component ( Truncates text at a specific number of lines applying ellipsis and adding an expand/collapse link to the end.
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Simply add the component to your screen, add your text to the BodyText placeholder and it's done.

Additional configurations can be done:

  • LinkTextExpanded - Sets the text to be displayed in the link when the component is expanded. (default: show less)
  • LinkTextCollapsed - Same thing but when the component is collapsed. (default: show more)
  • ClampLines - Sets the maximum number of lines that are displayed when collapsed.(default: 3)


  • No styles applied by default.
  • If the truncation isn't applied the link won't be displayed.

Release notes (1.0.2)
  • It's now possible to hide the link even if the text is truncated, this is controled using the HideLink input (Default:False)
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