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Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 07 July 2022 by 
 (6 ratings)

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Deliver messages from producers to consumers based on topics they subscribe to.
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Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a managed service that provides message delivery from publishers to subscribers (also known as producers and consumers).  Use a single endpoint for all platforms and send messages directly to users with SMS text messages or mobile push notifications. 

Integrating with SNS is a great way to help you:

  • Modernize and decouple your apps

  • Send messages directly to millions of users

  • Deliver messages on time and only once

  • Scale your workload

  • Simplify your architecture with message filtering 

The connector uses an AWS SDK and more details about setting everything up can be found here.


By downloading this component you acknowledge and agree to the collection of usage data (which may include, but is not limited to, method name, size of the files, operation type or region) by OutSystems and Amazon Web Services. Usage data does not include personal data. If you do not  agree with such collection, please do not download this component.

Release notes (2.0.0)

In this version:

  • Created SNSProtocol static entity to manage static data sent and returned from the service.

  • Validation was added to all public methods inside the connector, instead of transparently sending everything to the AWS service.

    • There is a new SNSRequestValidation exception to manage the validation output

    • The validation acts on:

      • mandatory fields

      • integer ranges

      • string lengths

  • <breaking change> Updated Topic_Subscribe action and Subscription structure to use the created static entity identifier, instead of a text value.

  • Added a module as sample code exemplifying how to develop an API to receive notifications sent by the Topic_Publish method and save them in the database.

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