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Ruption Component Manager

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 06 December 2021 by 
 (0 ratings)

Ruption Component Manager

Application dedicated to the management of factory components
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Ruption Component Manager is an application dedicated to the management of internal components. This works as the Forge for all developments done in your OutSystems Factory. 

This application offers you a dashboard where you can see all registered components, filters to easily find the component you are looking for, and an option to create new registries.

The detailed view of each component will have a more in-depth look into its information. We have three tabs: 

  • Detail
    • Description of the application, application types with the possibility to add a  demo, documentation link, and team members;
  • Versions
    • Version control for each application type given for the component;
  • Feedback
    • Forum where every user can add suggestions, bug reports for the team to manage and respond;

Release notes (1.0.0)
Reviews (0)