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Client Utilities

Stable version 1.0.5 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 27 Apr by 
 (7 ratings)

Client Utilities

Compilation of Client Utilities for Outsystems Reactive and Mobile Applications
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Team Nexllence put up a set of client utilities and functions, based on our experience delivering Outsystems Projects. 

The Client Utilities Forge Component will be regularly updated with new utilities and functions, following the suggestions and requests we receive from numerous friends and from the Outsystems Community members, so come back from time to time and check what's new. 

The set of utilities and functions available are grouped according to their purpose, in the following sections: 

  • Date
    • DayOfTheYear
    • IsLeapYear
    • LastDayOfMonth
    • MonthsList
    • Quarter
    • QuartersList
    • StartOfPeriod
    • TimezoneAbbr
    • TimezoneOffset
    • TotalDaysInMonth
    • TotalDaysInYear
    • WeekOfTheYear
    • YearsListBetweenInterval
  • Random
    • RandomBit
    • RandomBoolean
    • RandomChoice
    • RandomGUID
    • RandomHex
    • RandomIntFromInterval
    • RandomSign
    • RandomString
  • String
    • CamelCase
    • EndsWith
    • EscapeHTML
    • Hyphenate
    • Insert
    • Join
    • PascalCase
    • ProperCase
    • RemoveNonASCII
    • RemoveNonWord
    • Repeat
    • ReplaceAccents
    • SentenceCase
    • Split
    • StartsWith
    • StripHTMLTags
    • TitleCase
    • UnCamelCase
    • Underscore
    • UnEscapeHTML
    • UnHyphenate

The Demo allows you to view detailed information about each widget, how to use it and a brief preview / demo of it.

Release notes (1.0.5)
  • Reviewed documentation
  • Demo references updated to OutsystemsUI version 2.18.4
License (1.0.5)
Reviews (0)