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Rounding Off

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 24 January 2022
 (1 rating)

Rounding Off

When we use Outsystems Default Round Off function , it will not round off the value when we have 5 as a last integer. By using this component we can round Off to the next number when we have 5 as a last integer.
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This component will be useful when we have to 5 at last place of number and we want to round off the number. This component is simple to use and we have to pass the number we want to round off and the decimal places to which we want to round off.

When we use Outsystems Default Round Off function , it will not round off the value when we have 5 as a last integer. By using this component we can round Off to the next number when we have 5 as a last integer. 

For example if we have value 0.0945, by using Outsystems Round off it will show as 0.094 and if we use Round Off Component it will become 0.095.

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