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Amazon Translate

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 24 June 2022 by 
 (2 ratings)

Amazon Translate

The Amazon Translate Connector wraps up the functionality of Amazon Translate, making it easy and ready to use in your OutSystems apps. It allows you to provide high-quality translation on-demand using a text translation service that uses advanced machine learning.
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Connect OutSystems apps to the Amazon Translate service to translate unstructured text documents or to build applications that work in multiple languages. 

Amazon Translate Connector allows you to:

Enable multilingual user experiences in your apps:

  • Translate company-authored content, For example, meeting minutes, technician reports, articles, and posts.

  • Enable customers and employees to connect in their preferred language by translating interpersonal communications, such as emails, in-game or customer service chats.

Process and manage your company's incoming data:

  • Analyze text, such as social media and news feeds, in many languages.

  • Search for information, such as for eDiscovery cases, in many languages.

Enable language-independent processing by integrating Amazon Translate with other AWS services:

Check the documentation tab for instructions on how to set up and use Amazon Translate Connector.


By downloading this component you acknowledge and agree to the collection of usage data (which may include, but is not limited to, method name, size of the files, operation type, or region) by OutSystems and Amazon Web Services. Usage data doesn't include personal data. If you don't agree with the collection, please don't download this component.

Release notes (2.0.0)

In this version:

  • 9 new static entities to manage static data sent and returned from the service. Bellow is the list with the name of static entities created:

    • TranslateContentType

    • TranslateDirectionality

    • TranslateEncryptionType

    • TranslateJobStatus

    • TranslateMergeStrategy

    • TranslateParallelDataStatus

    • TranslateProfanity

    • TranslateDataFormat

    • TranslateLanguage

  • Validation was added to all public methods inside the connector, instead of transparently sending everything to the AWS service.

    • There is a new TranslateRequestValidation exception to manage the validation output

    • This validation acts on:

      • mandatory fields

      • integer ranges

      • string length

  • <breaking change> Updated all structures to use the created static entities identifier, instead of returning a text value. Below is the list with the name of updated structures:

    • CreateParallelData_Response

    • DeleteParallelData_Response

    • GetTerminology_Request

    • ImportTerminology_Request

    • TerminologyDatum

    • ListTerminologies_Request

    • TextTranslationJobFilter

    • ValidationMessage

    • StartTextTranslationJob_Request

    • StartTextTranslationJob_Response

    • StopTextTranslationJob_Response

    • AppliedSetting

    • Setting

    • TranslateText_Request

    • TranslateText_Response

    • updateParallelData_Response

    • DataFormat

    • DirectionalityType

    • EncryptionKey

    • EncryptionKeyType

    • InputDataConfig

    • JobStatusValue

    • ParallelDataConfig

    • ParallelDataProperty

    • ParallelDataStatus

    • ProfanityType

    • TerminologyProperty

    • TextTranslationJobProperties

    • TranslationSettings

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