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Onboarding Flows

version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 05 April 2022 by 
OutSystems Lab
 (0 ratings)

Onboarding Flows

Sample onboarding flows to reuse in your application to help guide your users in the onboarding process
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Several screens and patterns to help you accomplish the onboarding use case in your application. All use cases aim at having the best practices in security and user experience.

With this sample component you can quickly develop the following onboarding use cases:

  • Signup
  • Set Passcode
  • Forgot Password
  • Configure Face/TouchId

In order to take the most of this sample, you can copy or reference the patterns, screens, and logic to your application. Or simply install it to understand how you can implement this type of logic with OutSystems.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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