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Upload File Info

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 23 April 2022 by 
 (0 ratings)

Upload File Info

This application will help to validate the uploaded file information by add as dependency in your application and directly can be used in the conditional statements. Using this module an user can easily validate the uploaded file information in the client side of the application. This will the increase the high performance and scalability of your application.
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This application will help to validate the uploaded file information by add as dependency in your application and directly can be used in the conditional statements.

Using this module an user can easily validate the uploaded file information in the client side of the application.

This will the increase the high performance and scalability of your application.

This application is helpful to validate below file information:

1. File Name without extension.

2. File Size (Bytes, KB, MB, GB)

3. File is Image

4. Image Extension (png, jpg/jpeg, gif)

5. File is Video

6. Video Extension (mp4)

7. File is Document or Any other

8. Document Extension (pdf, xlsx, doc, docx)

Release notes (1.0.0)
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