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APPventure Banking Core

version 0.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 19 June 2022 by 
 (0 ratings)

APPventure Banking Core

Banking App - Core Services
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APPventure with Xebia

Learn how OutSystems and Xebia Build Banking Applications: Quick, Reliable, and Secure

Are you curious about building banking applications without juggling frameworks or dealing with hard-to-write code? Watch to see an OutSystems MVP at Xebia build a mobile banking app in an hour!

You will be able to see how Craig St. Jean builds a mobile frontend that connects to an existing personal banking backend for managing accounts, bill pay, etc. You will see how to reuse UI templates and widgets to accelerate development, manage integrations, and more!

Release notes (0.0.1)
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