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Windy Map Forecast

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 06 October 2022 by 
 (0 ratings)

Windy Map Forecast

Implementation of the Windy Forecast Map. Windy is a weather forecast system. It delivers a lot of information beyond temperature and rain forecast. It also includes, among others, wind speeds, wave information, dust and particle information and more. It uses several weather models so gather all the information. The information is available for different heights, from surface up to 1000meter in specified steps.
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Initial version:

- Implements a Windy Forecast Map (Based on Leaflet 1.4.0) that will show the current weather at the viewed locations. Multiple views are possible showing different types of weather.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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