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Zendesk Reactive Connector

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 13 October 2022 by 
Zendesk Integration Team
 (0 ratings)

Zendesk Reactive Connector

Zendesk is a service-first CRM company that builds software designed to improve customer relationships. On this connector we provide service actions that will allow you to: - Create new tickets (PostTickets); - Get a specific ticket detail (GetTicketDetail); - List all tickets on your zendesk server (GetListTicketsAll); - List all tickets for a specific user (GetListTickets); - Get the comments that have been done on a specific ticket (GetComments); - Add comments to ticket (AddCommentTicket); - Delete ticket (DeleteTicket).
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How does this work?

  1. First of all, you'll need to configure the correct URL of the consumed rest APIs from your zendesk server. To do that, open the connector module on Service Center, and on the Integration tab, change the Consumed Rest APIs URL;
  2. After that, you'll need to configure the correct site properties. For the token, you should use your access email followed by "/token", like this "user@mail.com/token". For the password site property, you should get an API Token from the Admin Center. How to do it:
    1. click Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk APIs.
    2. click the Settings tab, and make sure Token Access is enabled.
    3. Click the Add API token button to the right of Active API Tokens.
    4. The token is generated and displayed. 

You are now ready to fetch you tickets, create new ones and even add comments to them.

Please check the Zendesk API reference for more details on this integration.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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