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Multi Style Loaders 

version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 18 February 2023 by 
 (11 ratings)

Multi Style Loaders 

A pack of multiple Only Css Loaders, which you can simply use it on your screen by calling there blocks
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This Forge is build to make Loaders with different animations styles with a simple concept, to provide end users a good user experience,

For now we have created 2 Loaders, soon we will release an update with some new loaders

To contribute to this Forge you are free to join, It is really grateful if you will join and contribute.

I have included input parameters that will help you change the color look and feel of your loaders

I hope you like this, please leave a rating if you like my component


Tousif Khan

Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
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