STI Library

STI Library (ODC)

Stable versionĀ 0.1.0Ā (Compatible withĀ ODC)
Uploaded onĀ 31 October 2022Ā byĀ Do iT Lean
STI Library

STI Library (ODC)

Detailed Description

Common library to support reports generation using Stimulsoft. This library has common blocks to visualize reports and dashboard using the Stimulsoft Components. See more on

This ODC Asset was migrated by FƔbio Fantato

Generate reports and dashboards in embedded, pdf, excel, pdf, direct to print using the Stimulsoft Reports/Dashboards for Javascript. See more at

SDK Version 2022.1.5 (27.Jan.2022)

  • to create your report and dashboard templates you need to use the STI Designer from Stimulsoft. This components is only the viewer