This application has screen-defined the usage of the text extension method on the server side. This application is used to understand the concept of text extension.
Below is a method we use to understand through examples -
Formats a DateTime by replacing the allowed keywords with their values.
Replaces all occurrences of a specified regular expression pattern with a replacement string.
Searches the input string for an occurrence of a regular expression.
Concatenates all the strings in a List, yielding a single string. In the resulting string, the individual elements are separated by the string Separator.
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Pattern within a Text.
Splits a string into individual elements delimited by any of the characters in Delimiters.
Creates a StringBuilder. Use it if you need to create a string by repeatedly appending substrings. A StringBuilder optimizes memory management when dealing with highly dynamic strings.
Appends a string to a StringBuilder.
Returns the content of the StringBuilder's buffer.