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Camera Preview Templates Mobile

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 27 January 2019
 (0 ratings)

Camera Preview Templates Mobile

Example how a screen template can be used, to speed up development time. Built for demo purposes at Microsoft Event Building the future 2019 ( Version 1.0.0
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This component implements in a new screen template an orchestration of  the Camera Preview Plugin, and an overlay with a "Product List".

So it could be possible to retrieve the image captured with the Camera Preview Plugin and add later in your application logic to detect the image (using Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services) and to a match the image recognition against a Product Catalog, and show the matched in a overlay list of products.

Soon final demo, will be available. 

Release notes (1.0.3)

- Template:

  1. "Select Product" color has changed to blue.
  2. New info feedback message in case no products were found after picture analysed.
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