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PayPal Donate

version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 01 March 2019 by 
 (0 ratings)

PayPal Donate

Simple widget to drop a PayPal donate button onto a screen. Inserts the necessary form element, and a button that can be styled with a CSS class, and used to submit the form.
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Want to give your users and visitors the opportunity to support your site or app through donation? 

Use this simple UI widget to easily add a PayPal donate button to one or more screens in your app.

Simply drag and drop the control to the screen, and configure it with the desired PayPal account email, currency, and donation amount, and you're ready to go.

Provides the ability to fully customize the look and feel of the button through the use of CSS classes.

Uses a small snippet of jQuery to add a separate HTML form for submitting the donation request, to avoid interfering with the screen's default form element.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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