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Splunk HEC Integration

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
Uploaded on 28 April 2021 by 
SOC Team
 (1 rating)

Splunk HEC Integration

This components is used to send an event to Splunk Cloud using the Splunk HTTP Event Collector.
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This component provides and easy to configure and use integration to a Splunk instance. It uses a HTTP Event Collector to send the events (https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.4/Data/UsetheHTTPEventCollector)

The component has the capability of sending single or bulk events.

Release notes (1.0.3)

Fixed timer for async log delivery which would timeout if too many logs were saved in the database and would not delete the logs that were already sent.

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