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PWA Camera & Microphone

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 March 2020 by 
 (1 rating)

PWA Camera & Microphone

This application enables the quick and easy access to the browser capabilities, to capture, record and take image shot from the devices medias (camera & microphone).
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This component enables the quick and easy access to the browser capabilities, to capture, record and take image shot from the devices medias (camera & microphone).

About this component

  • Easy to use
  • Actions for:
    • Capture user microphone and/or video
    • Record user microphone and/or video
    • Take screenshots
    • and other helpful actions
  • Works in both Reactive Web apps and Mobile apps

About the APIs
This component makes extensive use of the following browser APIs:

  • MediaCaptureAPI
    The Media Capture API allows authorized Web applications to access the streams from the device's audio and video capturing interfaces, i.e. to use the data available from the camera and the microphone.

  • MediaRecorderAPI
    The Media Recorder API is a Web API allowing Web applications to record audio and video Media Streams, local and/or remote. It relies on the mediaStream object.

  • ImageCaptureAPI
    The Image Capture API allows Web applications to control the advanced settings of the device's camera, such as zoom, white balance, ISO or focus points and take photos based on these settings. It relies on the streamVideoTrack object that might be obtained from the stream
Release notes (1.0.0)
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