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Image Compressor Plugin

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 13 July 2020 by 
 (2 ratings)

Image Compressor Plugin

This component can compress images of up to approximately 70%.
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The main code of this component is using coming from this code available in GitHub.

To use this code, 

Call CheckPluginAvailable client action first to verify that the specific component is available in the device. 

This client action can be called on application ready to determine that this code is included during publishing and generation of the installer.

Call ImageCompress client action to compress any images you have. This will give out a binary data which is the outcome of the compression logic together with IsSuccess and Message. Message will contain an error message if the IsSuccess is False.

Release notes (1.0.2)

Added a sample app and updated the public client action to return a binary data as well as exposed some helper client actions which will be used to convert the binary data to base64.

Reviews (2)
2 Feb
in version 1.0.2
Nice Component
in version 1.0.2
Great plugin. Works fine with PNG files. Compression rate almost 85%.