Created on 12 June 2020
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Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 June 2020 by 


Service module to hold shared configurations between modules and applications. Allows aggregating related configurations into groups, encrypted values and full change history.
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Service to handle shared configurations between Outsystems application, allowing them to register and obtain configurations to be shared between different modules. The motivation for this is to have a complement to Outsystems' Site Properties, so there's a more structured way to create and retrieve configuration, while keeping more technical application-wide values (like API keys) apart from business oriented configurations.

  • Configurations have organizational units (Configuration Containers)
  • Value encryption is supported
  • Very large configuration values are supported
  • Configuration value changes are tracked and full version history is available

It contains the repository for all the shared configurations and containers, along with the logic used to handle the configurations. It exposes two sets of actions: one more driven for the client modules to retrieve the current configuration in their logic, and another to manage the existing configurations (including the value full history for configurations). Also provides these as a Service Actions, to allow this library to be more loosely coupled to client modules.


  • Bulk import/export
  • Expiration date on configuration values
  • Further customization on configurations and containers (icons, images, tagging, etc)
  • Permission model - allow to set configurations and/or containers visibility and permissions on the Outsystems users and groups
  • Bind containers per applications - right now any application see all configuration containers, but could be registered only for a set of applications.
  • Handling of very large strings is supported but might be improved
  • Caching mechanism for current configurations, that can be invalidated when that container is changed

For a front-end client and reausable widgets for this check the ConfigurationStashClient component

Release notes (1.0.0)
Reviews (0)
Development tools, Other development tools
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This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
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Application Objects
ConfigurationStash has 5 AOs.
Compatible with
Version 11
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