Reactive icon

Reactive Sidebar with Overlay

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 06 September 2023 by 
 (5 ratings)

Reactive Sidebar with Overlay

This is an extended version of the OutSystemsUI sidebar, that offers the functionality of displaying a gray overlay over the rest of the application. You can also customize the sidebar's size or location on the screen with simple CSS classes. Eg: "sidebar-l", "sidebar-xl"... (check more on the documentation tab). This sidebar also works with the ESC key and with gestures on mobile devices. It is also possible to have multiple sidebars opened at the same time.
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Find out more on how to use this component on the Documentation Tab.

  • Enable or disable closing the sidebar by clicking on the overlay
  • Close the sidebar with the ESC key
  • Close the sidebar with gestures on mobile
  • Toggle the sidebar with a client action
  • Align sidebar on the left or the right side of the screen
  • Sidebar with different sizes
  • Multiple sidebars opened at the same time
Release notes (2.0.0)

In this release we:

  • Added support for the latest version of OutSystemsUI (Version 2.16.0);
  • Fixed bug with ESC key press and overlay;

Breaking Changes:

  • Removed Deprecated version (Please consider this before update);
License (2.0.0)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.6
Nice Component!