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Date Picker React

Stable version 1.0.5 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 05 December 2020 by 
 (0 ratings)

Date Picker React

This Date Picker React presents some performance improvements, and corrects some unwanted reactive behavior on DatePicker from OutSystems. It is more consistent. At this moment only part of the dates is available; the time part (hours) will be available soon. As it only allows the choice of a date, the possibility to choose a date range will be available in another version.
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Improvement of the OutSystems UI DatePicker Reactive.

Currently, you only have the option to select a date.

The option to select a range of dates will soon be available.

Release notes (1.0.5)
  • Update of references;
  • Add Date Format option.
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