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User / Group / Role Import/Export

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 24 November 2023 by 
Team Import / Export Users
 (2 ratings)

User / Group / Role Import/Export

Application to help you to Import/Export Users from one Environment to Another
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--> This app provides an easy way to export / import your Users, Groups, Users Permissions and Groups Permissions via excel from one origin environment to another target environment.

 -> You can choose to export each information separately or all at once. The import will work in the same way using them all or not. Just what was exported in excel will be imported in the other environment.

-> The IDs from objects will not be the same, they will create new ones.

-> If the objects already existis it will update it.

-> You can also use it to create objects in bulk operations, if you just fill the excel file.  

--> For it to work the only pre requisites are:

- > that the roles are already created in the target environment and in the same Module from the Origin environment. 

-> The target environment must have a Tenant with the same name from the origin environment. 

-->Multi Tenant support is still under development, and this module will only work with Tenants from the User Provider it is using. So if you use a custom User Provider that is not the default 'Users' you must set the User Provider for this module and the other modules from this solution according to your needs. 

Release notes (1.0.1)

Changing how the password work.

-> Now the export file will not export the password hashes.

-> On the import if you provide a password in plain text, this password will be encrypted and can be used by the user.

-> If you don't provide a password, if the user already existed in the environment, it will use the old password.


After the importing is done, the excel file is kept.
In case you used it to create passwords, theplain text values will still be there.
To avoid security issues, make sure to remove the excel files by running the timer DeleteOld.

Another good practice is to ask the users to change their password after the first access.

License (1.0.1)
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