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version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 14 Feb by 
 (1 rating)


BLIMP is a monitor tool for both web services and timers, with the objective of spotting possible problems with those as passive as possible, trying to approach with the "set it and forget it" approach, but giving out active notifications in case something is happening.
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In order to do this, BLIMP checks the logs on Service Center database of logs (using the 2 week view on them, not all tables) and checks if there are any issues from there. Tools like these are valuable for environments in where there is too many things to keep track of, or there is too much reliance on one party only check actively the environment health.

BLIMP works on a rules based strategy, in where a set of rules are created with thresold levels and limits, and those rules are checked agaisnt the items that are being monitored. These rules can be set as a warning level or an error level, and it's up to whoever is configuring the rules to understand what is the severety of each rules and to what parameters it applies to. Also, the way BLIMP works allows different people being notified about different monitored applications, so a division of responsabilities is also in place in case it's required.

Release notes (1.0.1)
  • Added consumed webserices
  • Integrated SOAP and REST webservices into webservices
  • Upgraded with the latest dependecies
License (1.0.1)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.0
Excellent review