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Toc Online API

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 02 February 2021
 (0 ratings)

Toc Online API

This component provide server actions that implements TocOnline authentication method agains OAuth TocOnline endpoint and gets the "AcessToken" to use in upcoming requests over the TocOnline API. Also implements a server action to get all the invoices from TocOnline system.
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This component provide server actions that implements TocOnline authentication method agains OAuth TocOnline endpoint and gets the "AcessToken" to use in upcoming requests over the TocOnline API.

Also implements a server action to get all the invoices from TocOnline system.

This is a work in progess component that will implement in upcoming version this funcionalities:

  1. Server Action to refresh access token.
  2. Server Action to post a new invoice and get the result pdf file.
Release notes (1.0.0)
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