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Select4 React

version 1.1.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 08 March 2021 by 
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Select4 React

More than allowing a simple selection in a list of options like the Select component, more than allowing the filter of a list options with a searchkeyword like the Select2 component, and even more than allowing the selection of many options of the Multiselect(Select3), Select4 is all of those and more, in a robust, flexible and accessible component,
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Reactive Version - Select4 is a Robust, Flexible and Accessible ComboBox widget. It uses a layout similar with OutsystemsUI framework, for a seamless look.


- Searchkeyword Filter.

- Selected Options Filter

- Selected/Deselect all options action.

- Multiple selection, with the use of checkboxes.

- Viewed and Selected Options Indicators.

- Use of Events for Search, Selection customization.

- Visualization of list of selected options.

Release notes (1.1.0)

New Functionalities

  • SelectAll/None. Action that allows the selection/deselection of all the visible options in 1 action.
  • ShowSelected/All. Action that filters the visible options list by the selected options. 
  • Selected Options Counter. Indicator of the number of current selected options.
  • Visible Options Counter. Indicator of the number of current visible options. 
  • Acessibility concerns. Component can be used in an effective way with just the keyboard. Opening the Options list, using the links, Search Input and Selecting Checkboxes, is in the same manner as Standard.


  • OptionStruct, structure that stores an option in the Select4 List, was updated. The Id element can now be used with numeric as well as text based identifiers. This was achieved by changing Id type from Long Integer to Text. 
  •  Input Naming changes. More understandable names and a more uniform and consistent naming conventions throughout the Component. 
  • Added Input and placement change. Added SelectedOptions_ExtendedClasses in Configuration Input, allowing for customizations on the SelectedOptions list. Searchkeyword and SelectedOptions elements(previously named Search and SelectedList) came out of Configuration Input and became input of their own, putting them in evidence and indicating that are core inputs in the component workings.

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