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Facebook Login Plugin

Stable version 2.0.8 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 05 February 2021
 (4 ratings)

Facebook Login Plugin

Facebook login plugin, natively integrated with IOS and Android.
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This component will be deprecated in 2022, please take a look at the Social Login Plugin as an alternative.

Natively login to facebook using the device's native facebook app credentials. 

  • Login and Logout using simple actions
  • Access the full breath of Facebook's GraphAPI
  • Add more permissions for your app to get the level of clearance you need

NOTE: some assembly required (you know, facebook app setup and such...)

NOTE2: The more permissions you request, the more clearance you will need from Facebook's Login Review procedures (can be manual, depending on the type of permissions)

Release notes (2.0.8)

- Compatibility with MABS 6.3 and MABS 7

Reviews (0)
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