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OutSystems UI

Stable version 2.18.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
Uploaded on 28 Mar by 
 (126 ratings)

OutSystems UI

Created on OutSystems 11

Version 2.18.4

Application Package
Uploaded on 28 Mar by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.12.0 or higher
Release notes:

What's New

  • ROU-4761 - Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components will be using the latest version of their library provider (VirtualSelect v1.0.42).
    This version also adds a new extensibility configuration to the VirtualSelectConfigs structure that contains the properties available on the SetVirtualSelectConfigs client action - ariaLabelClearButtonText.

  • ROU-4795 - Created two new client actions, RatingEnable and RatingDisable, to manage the enable/disable status.

  • ROU-4823 - Now, it's possible to disable the focus feature on the Alert component by using the class 'disable-alert-focus' on the ExtendedClass parameter.


Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-3816 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker, DatePickerRange and MonthPicker components not to close when a screen scroll started in the picker’s input.

  • ROU-3898 - Fixed an issue on the DatepickerRange component that allows the selection of dates with disabled dates inside the range in mobile. This was caused by a missing validation on Flatpickr’s provider on each selected date that needed to check which dates were available and were allowed to be selected.
    Now, the DatepickerRange doesn't allow the selection of intervals that include disabled dates.

  • ROU-3937 - Fixed an issue in the PullToRefresh script that was throwing an error while scrolling.
    This occurred when a user was scrolling up the screen and after scrolling down to trigger the PullToRefresh, the browser ignored the cancel request of the touchmove event, throwing an error into the console.

  • ROU-3947 - Improved accessibility on the MonthPicker component keyboard navigation and accessibility compliance.

  • ROU-4578 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to show the “Select All” checkbox as checked wrongly.
    This occurred when searching for something that returns no results when at least one Item was already selected.

  • ROU-4642 / RPM-2816 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to have bottom pointy edge corners. This only occurred in iOS apps.

  • ROU-4671 - Improved accessibility on the Wizard component.
    Now, the aria-orientation is defined and the component is navigatable via Tab key and Enter Key.

  • ROU-4672 - Improved accessibility on the SectionIndex component keyboard navigation.
    Now, when pressing the Tab key, the focus cycles between the SectionIndexItems.

  • ROU-4676 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker component to update the initial date when a date was removed from the input.
    This occurred when we had two related DatePicker components on the screen and the selected date on the first DatePicker set the InitialDate and MinDate on the second one.

  • ROU-4683 - Improved accessibility on the Section component.
    The Screen Reader will now correctly read and identify the content added to its title and content.

  • ROU-4692 - Fixed an issue that caused the Sidebar component to stop opening after the first interaction.
    This occurred when using the SidebarClickOutsideToClose client action.

  • ROU-4697 - Now, by default, the Tooltip is triggered by ‘click’ on mobile devices, as the on-hover event is unavailable on mobile devices.

  • ROU-4699 / RPM-4631 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tabs component to have a visual issue when using the Page Up and Page Down keys on a text area inside the Tabs Content.

  • ROU-4712 / RPM-4641 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to close unexpectedly when used on a tablet.
    This occurred when the device was detected as a desktop on tablets and triggered the _eventOnWindowResize, closing the dropdown.

  • ROU-4715 / RPM-4648 - Fixed an issue that caused the accumulation of events listeners when using the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components.
    This occurred when navigating between screens containing these components.

  • ROU-4719 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tooltip component to cut some text content inside when running in Chrome and Edge.
    This occurred when using long texts inside the Tooltip.

  • ROU-4721 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide balloon to appear cut.
    This occurred when using the DropdownServerSide component inside a Popup widget, on certain window sizes.

  • ROU-4731 - Improved the DateFormat input parameter description from the DatePicker component to bring visibility to the fact that the time format must be set using the TimeFormat property.

  • ROU-4736 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to get focus when having preselected values and the popup mode was enabled.
    Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components when using the DropdownSetValue client action.
    This occurred when the user used the client action on an OnAfterFetch and updated the component parameters.

  • ROU-4771 - Fixed an issue that caused the Popover widget to have a misplacement of content when opened. This occurred when the screen was used with RTL.
    Based on the Platform Server and OutSystems UI versions this fix can have some impact on existing applications. For all applications using a Platform Server version higher than 11.20.x and using OutSystems UI version lower than v2.18.3 or using the latest version of OutSystems UI and a Platform Server version lower than 11.20.x, the Popover widget will continue to be misplaced when used with RTL.

  • ROU-4774 / RPM-4694 - Reviewed the Japanese translations of the Pagination component.

  • ROU-4790 / RPM-4790 - DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components search clear button is now “visible” for a11y and indexable when keyboard navigation is used.

  • ROU-4791 / RPM-4763 - Fixed an issue that caused the Rating component not to be narrated by NVDA when no star was selected.
    This occurred only when using the NVDA screen reader due to the usage of the display CSS property.

  • ROU-4794 - Fixed an issue that caused the FloatingActions component not to have the Layer System (z-index) properly defined. This occurred because the CSS variable used to set its value was being set in the context of a wrong selector.

  • ROU-4795 / RPM-4763 - Now, the Rating component IsEdit input is no longer managing the disabled state. This solves an a11y issue when IsEdit=False since the component was getting disabled.

  • ROU-4800 - Fixed an issue in the ScrollableArea that prevented the table from fitting into its container at full width.
    This occurred due to the CSS property display:inline-block that was being assigned to the table when inside a ScrollableArea.

  • ROU-4801 - Fixed an issue that caused the InlineSVG and Video components to run into an 'OutSystems not found' error being thrown.
    This occurred only when used without any other OutSystems UI components on the screen since the OutSystemsUI.js script was not being loaded.

  • ROU-4807 - Fixed an issue that caused the scale-up animation CSS to compile incorrectly on the OutSystems UI theme.
    This occurred due to incorrect usage of the SCSS animation file and had no impact on runtime.

  • ROU-4817 / RPM-4814 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker, DatePickerRange, MonthPicker, and TimePicker components' popups not to update their position when scrolling.
    This occurred when the component was placed inside a Sidebar.


  • In Chromium-based browsers under specific window sizes/resolutions, the DropdownSearch/Tags can have its content blurry.
    This is an issue on the underlying library Virtual Select and will be fixed in the next release.

Application Objects:
OutSystems UI does not affect the count of AOs.

Version 2.18.2

Application Package
Uploaded on 26 December 2023 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.12.0 or higher
Release notes:

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-1628 - The phone value of the SetDeviceBreakpoints client action previously had a wrong default value of 700px.
    This would cause that when using the action, but not setting any new value on the Phone parameter, it would change the phone limit size to 700px, instead of the Platform’s default of 767px.
    Please note, that if you were already using this client action without setting any value Phone value, the phone breakpoint will now change to the new 767px as the maximum screen width.

  • ROU-4629 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker component not to work properly when changing the date format in the Service Center.
    This occurred when a date that was being applied on a platform’s input date, didn’t match the DatePicker component date and, the date format was different between the one set in the Service Center and in the DatePicker itself.

  • ROU-4644 - Fixed an issue that caused the TimePicker and DatePicker components to return an undefined console error.
    This occurred when the user used the Tab or Arrow Down keys to navigate from the picker’s input when in edit mode.

  • ROU-4649 - Fixed an issue that caused the TabsHeader component to be reached when disabled.
    This occurred when the TabsHeader component was disabled and the end user used the keyboard arrow’s navigation to change tabs.

  • ROU-4654 - Fixed an issue that caused the client action FocusFirstInvalidInput to never focus on the first invalid input.
    This occurred when validating a Form and calling the action FocusFirstInvalidInput to validate if there was any invalid input where the first invalid input was never focused.

  • ROU-4658 - Improved deployment performance by optimizing static entities.
    Now, all non-translated static entities were set to have Use Translations = No.
    This update is intended to optimize performance and mitigate the limitations on the previous asset version for the Oracle databases, where the customer needed to ensure they are in at least Oracle 12.2. No adverse side effects are anticipated.

  • ROU-4663 - Changed the description of the parameter StartingSelection for both DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to better reflect the fact that now it reacts to the OnParametersChange event.

Application Objects:
OutSystems UI does not affect the count of AOs.
Created on OutSystems 10

Version 1.6.7

Application Package
Uploaded on 22 October 2019 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:


  • Changed icons for CarouselGoTo, CarouselNext and CarouselPrevious actions.
  • Fixed Lightbox issues previewing a recent uploaded image.

Version 1.6.6

Application Package
Uploaded on 25 February 2019 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:

Fixed Issues:

  • JSONSharp license information was removed from the Licenses text